The other day I came across a list of myths about business architecture that were being dispatched into the "shredder" with vigour.
One myth that was being torn down was.
“There is no commonly defined approach to business architecture”.
I was really unhappy about the language being used and the
message being promoted:
A pretty radical claim– perhaps a bit arrogant - don’t you
In other words we know what business architecture is; we
created the standards and everyone else outside of our club can just go away.
This would be a more accurate and genuine statement:
“There are organisations who publish proprietary methodologies for the
application of business architecture.”
There is nothing wrong with the
standards that this group is promoting, in fact most of what they say is pretty
sensible. What is objectionable is the idea that this then becomes the so
called de-facto standard. It is a
standard - yes - but to claim it as a common standard - the only way- is "pushing
the envelope".
Are we saying that - "if you don’t use
these standards or methods then you not doing business architecture?" Are we
constraining business architecture by trying to get everyone to produce the
same stuff? I would argue yes - many other agree too.
On another occasion I saw a post saying
had a consultancy in here that produced a slide deck that didn’t conform to
standards” -
as if this was a
heinous crime. In reality why would I pay high day rates to get standard
materials? I want consultants to be innovative and present new ways of thinking
and ways of communicating messages.
On reading the myths and the proposed approach business architecture must therefore mean a much tighter environment that I and many I associate with think. For example I know one individual that dislikes capability maps intensely and he thinks value chains are they way to go; is he less of a business architect than others? In fact this individual is a substantial strategy author with many books to his name and years of experience; but if he doesn't use capability mapping then this isn't business architecture say the standards body!
Many colleagues find that their
business stakeholders don’t like the artefacts that these so called standards
produce and therefore produce different materials which are artistically
crafted to communicate skilfully their messages. They use their skills to craft models and diagrams to satisfy messages
and client needs.
Please note the use of
the phrase “artistically crafted” so from their perspective is business
architecture and art or a science? Actually the answer is probably a mix of the
There are two forces at work here:
standardisation and innovation and your view will probably be different
depending which camp you sit in:
- If you are an I.T. person looking outwards to get clarity from the business and then communicating those findings back to your software developers then standards are great. Observe, record and populate the standards.Same format, same look; consistency is great for coders and analysts all of whom know the language and taxonomy – super.
- However if you are shaping a change and need to select techniques and innovate or motivate others to identify requirements, messages and present pictures of the future then standards get in the way.
Let us postulate which group the standards body originate from?
If I have an operating model that
shows how the organisation works to create value for customers and it is done
using Domains of Change: POLISM or CCPPOLDAT or some other construct; is that
now not business architecture. Perhaps my definition is too broad?
Some say The I.T and project management world has been ruined by methodology based standards, accreditation and certification. Only last month articles were on LinkedIn saying PMP and Prince2 were the worst thing that has happened to PM, devaluing the profession and turning project managers into administrators. Why has this happened?
Some say The I.T and project management world has been ruined by methodology based standards, accreditation and certification. Only last month articles were on LinkedIn saying PMP and Prince2 were the worst thing that has happened to PM, devaluing the profession and turning project managers into administrators. Why has this happened?
“Surprise - Surprise” Money. Professional
Associations, Clubs, Guilds and the like have membership fees, they run
accreditation and certification programmes - more fees.
They appoint and
certify training organisations - more fees. They work with software vendors to
produce tools that work to the standards - licensing fees and so it goes on.
Fine create a methodology to sell
and promote – carry on please - but have the courtesy to promote it as it is a
proprietary approach not as a panacea or universal standard.
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