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Wednesday, 19 September 2018
T34 Poznan (Posen-Ferstung) Poland. Military Capability
When looking at kit like this you start to think about capabilities in a different light.
Military analogies and historical case studies help things make a lot more sense to "services" business people, steeped in process thinking, who often struggle with the capability modelling concept.
The ability to tackle enemy heavy armour reliably on the Eastern Front WWII , cheaply and in quantity was what made the T34 a capability supporting asset; a war winning weapon for the soviets.
Looking at battle field examples in the field - Poznan Poland- rather than prepared examples given to the west, (such as those specimens at Bovington (Dorset)) shows the fit for purpose finish in its true form.
The build speed for a T34 was many times faster than its German rivals and the cost many times lower than the iconic Tiger II. Simpler, easier to maintain, cheaper and faster to deploy the technology backed up by a superior production system won the day.
T34 Poznan (Posen-Ferstung) Poland.
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